Saturday, January 19, 2013

Station closed

Station closed

12 inches high by 12 inches wide

Though the painting was done after 9/11, this image is from the pre-9/11 world.

Back then, firemen were heroes - but not in the way they are after 9/11.

We were in Boston, visiting. Walking around Cambridge, we came across this building, abandoned, weeds beginning to poke through the sidewalk, bricks and wood of the facade in decay. Neglected.

It struck me, this image. This dutiful structure being taken over be nature. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my father was a volunteer fireman for 25 years, now retired. Or maybe it has something to do with my eldest brother, a full-time firemen even now, or my middle brother, like my Dad, a volunteer fireman to this day. Maybe it was all of that. But it struck me and stayed with me, and I had to paint it.

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