
Charlotte Artists

Painter, Paul Hastings

Painter, Patrick Glover

Painter, Matt Hooker

Painter, Mark Durham, MAD Studio Inc.

Artists from other places

Painter, Jesse Littell, Prague, Czech Republic

Places that have shown my art work

Green Rice Gallery, My former studio, my former gallery, my former home away from home

ArtWORKS on Main, Mooresville, NC

Dialect Design, Modern Art Gallery: NoDa, Charlotte

Pura Vida : worldly art, Charlotte, NC: because art has no boundaries

Talley's Green Grocery, Charlotte, NC

Ouky Douky Café, Prague, Czech Republic

Radost FX, Prague, Czech Republic

Publications that have reviewed my art work

Creative Loafing, Charlotte, NC

THINK magazine, Prague, Czech Republic

Other, Charlotte's historic arts district and former home of my studio

Have I forgotten anybody? If I have, please drop me a line.

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